A visibility project

to inspire advocacy and change to support the power and potential of people with disabilities in STEM.

Values that Drive Our Work

We work to showcase the powerful group of people in STEM that are disabled or identify as having disabilities, as well as the amazing impacts they make in their respective fields. We work to create a platform that amplifies their voices, stories, and experiences.

We strongly believe that all disabilities are worth accommodating. Accessibility is a human right regardless of productivity or contributions. You don’t need to revolutionize your field like Stephen Hawking to deserve accommodations or to be seen as making meaningful contributions to your field.

We want a STEM universe to exist that does not have a set box of how a normal scientist works. We want to push the boundaries of how accessibility is discussed beyond visible and common disabilities.

Meet the Team

  • Emma Collington

    PhD student in molecular genetics, living with a genetic connective tissue disease

  • Samantha Fowler

    Science communications specialist currently living with chronic pain, generalized anxiety disorder, and bulimia nervosa